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By registering an account on and using our services, you confirm that your age is 18 or older and that you understand and agree to these terms and Conditions.

Our Services offers both complimentary and premium services to its users, with certain content exclusively accessible to subscribers who have paid for the premium version.

Your use of our Services

Subject to your compliance with these terms, including the "Prohibited Activities" section below, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to

  • access the services
  • download or print a copy of any portion of the content to which you have properly gained access.

solely for your internal business purpose.

Only you are permitted to access or use the Software. You shall not license, sublicense, sell, resell, market, lease, loan, rent, transfer, assign, distribute, disclose, or make accessible to any third party, or allow any third party to analyze or access the information provided by the Software, or otherwise commercially exploit the Software or grant any right to access or use the Software to any third party.

Prohibited Activities

You may not access or use the services for any purpose other than that for which we make the services available. The services may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by us.

As a user of the services, you agree not to:

  • Disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the services
  • Use any information obtained from the services in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person
  • Make improper use of our support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct
  • Use the services in a manner inconsistent with any applicable laws or regulations
  • Attempt to bypass any measures of the services designed to prevent or restrict access to the services, or any portion of the services
  • Copy or adapt the services' software, including but not limited to HTML, JavaScript, or other code
  • Use the services as part of any effort to compete with us or otherwise use the services and/or the content for any revenue-generating endeavor or commercial enterprise except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by us.
  • Use the services to advertise or offer to sell goods and services

Ownership of data and rights

All materials, including but not limited to reports, analyses, and visualizations, created by us remain our sole property. Clients are granted a license to access and use these materials within the scope of their subscription. Unless explicitly indicated otherwise, we provide multi-client services, wherein no single client possesses exclusive rights to the data we provide.

Any data provided to paid clients is intended for internal use only. This restriction extends to any customized reports provided to clients. This means that clients' employees may utilize the data for business-related purposes within their organization. However, this usage does not extend to external parties, including clients' partners, contractors, or other third parties, without our prior written consent.

Clients are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of the data provided by us. They must take reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or use of the data. This obligation extends to both digital and physical forms of data.

Upon termination of the client's subscription or agreement with us, all rights to access the data provided by us cease immediately.


You can subscribe to our services on a monthly recurring basis. Your payment method will be charged immediately upon activating the subscription. Subscriptions are automatically renewed unless explicitly canceled, with renewal taking place on the same date each month.

You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account and following the cancellation procedure outlined therein. Alternatively, you can cancel your subscription at any time on Canceling the subscription will stop further billing, but the subscription will remain valid until the next billing period.

All prices listed are exclusive of VAT/Sales tax. Depending on your location, taxes may be added to the subscription price.

We may, from time to time, make changes to the subscription fee and will communicate any price changes to you in accordance with applicable law.

We offer a 30-day refund or money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with our services, please email us at

Our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle handles all customer service inquiries and returns. Paddle's terms and conditions also apply to your subscription, and you agree to abide by them.

Limitation of liability declines any and all liability for damage, consequential loss and/or indirect loss owing to the use of's data and services.'s liability will, in any event, be capped at the amount it has received from a client in the six months preceding a claim.


These terms shall remain in full force and effect while you use the services. Without limiting any other provision of these terms, we reserve the right to, in our sole discretion and without notice or liability, deny access to and use of the services (including blocking certain IP addresses) to any person for any reason or for no reason, including, without limitation, for breach of any representation, warranty, or covenant contained in these terms or of any applicable law or regulation. We may terminate your use or participation in the services or delete your account and any content or information that you posted at any time, without warning, in our sole discretion.

If we terminate or suspend your account for any reason, you are prohibited from registering and creating a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.

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Terms of Service

