This site is a hobby project of mine to help indie developers with market research and marketing. Hope you find it helpful!
How this works?
We use an algorithm that estimates steam game sales and revenue using the following methods:
- Tracking the Steam top seller rank to estimate revenue and sales.
- Using the number of concurrent players to estimate game's playerbase
- An advanced version of the boxleiter method. Regression analysis based on year of release, review score, average playtimes and similar.
- Using any publicly disclosed data of actual units sold to further adjust the estimates
See our detailed article to learn more about estimation methodology
Other data points, like country split and player data, are collected from any other public indicators
How accurate are the estimates?
For individual games, our tests have shown that 77% of estimates were within 30% margin of error, while 98% were within 50% error margin.
At an aggregate level, estimates were 99% accurate
See here for more info
Some things to keep in mind:
- Smaller games have less accurate estimates than the larger ones due to smaller sample size
- Free-to-play games generally have less accurate estimations
- Revenue estimates do not take into account revenue from any external sources and may not properly estimate revenue from steam bundles
- There may be bugs in our scraping or estimation algorithm, causing the estimates to be wildly off. Always sanity check any estimates
Do you provide an API?
Yes, we do! See here for some quick reference.
Publisher Classes:
You can contact us at support@gamalytic.com orDiscord orTwitter DM
We are not affiliated with Valve or Steam in any way